Wexner Medical Center faculty and staff Buckeyes for Charity information

Thank you for continuing to serve our community in all areas of health care. Your commitment to improving lives and helping others is incredibly appreciated by so many people in our communities and beyond.

As Buckeyes, we know you care about many meaningful causes. You can broaden your impact by joining other Buckeyes to make a difference in the lives of Ohioans through Buckeyes for Charity, Ohio State’s annual community giving campaign. This year, Buckeyes for Charity includes more than 850 nonprofit organizations throughout the state of Ohio.

Promote your giving Buckeye spirit by appointing a BRAVO Badge for supporting Buckeyes for Charity when you donate. Go to HealthBeat Hub > click the "BRAVO" icon > Badges. Contact BRAVO@osumc.edu if you have any questions about appointing your badge.

How to donate:

  • To give via payroll deduction or credit card electronically, log onto ePledge using your Ohio State name.# and password to access.
  • To give via cash or check, complete the fillable pledge form, sign and date it, and then submit to your area's campaign ambassador. Please contact your ambassador before delivering to ensure they are available to receive it.
  • If you are new to the Wexner Medical Center and hired after September 4, you need to complete the fillable pledge form. You do not have access to make your pledge online.

Thank you for being a Buckeye who supports us in Caring for Our Communities!