Service Referral or Volunteer Opportunities
- LSS 211 Central Ohio (formerly Hands On Central Ohio) or call 614-221-6766
- Office of Volunteer Relations, Ohio State
- United Way of Central Ohio
Below are ways to connect with or volunteer at the federations Buckeyes for Charity supports. Additionally, if you or someone you know is in need of services, use this guide as a reference to connect to service providers throughout the year.
CHC: Creating Healthier Communities, formerly Community Health Charities, is a catalyst for good health, bringing communities, nonprofits, and businesses together around a shared commitment to better health and wellbeing. Together with partners, CHC works to address the barriers to good health and equity and create resilient communities where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. CHC represents thousands of high-impact nonprofits, connecting them with resources from our corporate, foundation and government partners to power transformative change. For more information:
Community Shares of Mid Ohio promotes the concept of “informed philanthropy” to help make sound decisions about which causes to support. To that end, we encourage everyone to join our email list (send your request to, like us on Facebook and to bookmark our website at Should you have questions about us, or any organization we represent, please feel free to email, or call 614-262-1176.
Want to get more involved with Mid-Ohio Food Collective? Visit our website at to learn more!
Thank you for your support! Together, we are working towards a hunger-free and healthier community.
Want to get more involved with The United Negro College Fund? Visit our website at
Thank you for supporting UNCF, because a mind is a terrible thing to waste!
Want to get more involved with the United Way of Central Ohio? Visit our website at to:
Thank you for your support of The United Way of Central Ohio! Together, we can make a difference in our community.
The United Way of Delaware County always has corporate engagement opportunities. We look for volunteer assistance with our annual Supplies For Scholars events, volunteering at one of our many agencies like Common Ground Free Store, or Lutheran Social Services, or collecting needed holiday gifts for Delaware County Foster Children. You can find engagement opportunities on our website at
Want to get more involved with United Way of Fairfield County? Visit our website at to:
Thank you for your support of United Way of Fairfield County! Together, we can make a difference in our community.
Thank you for your support of United Way of Licking County Federation and YOUR community!
Our mission at United Way of Licking County is to improve lives by uniting the community. We do that by bringing together hundreds of volunteers to address the issues that face our community. We also work tirelessly to raise dollars that will fund programs that will act not as a band aid but rather address the whole problem, the whole family. We fight for those who need a voice and those we do not yet know. We fight for better mental health; we fight for children, youth, and families; we fight to stop poverty. To live better we must Live United.
Want to be more involved? Visit our website at to:
Interested in helping us bring neighbors and resources together to improve lives, right here in Union County?
Visit our website at: to:
We appreciate your support of your local community – please let us know if we can assist you further.